I used both the salary negotiation and interview mocks. Regarding salary negotiation it's a over and above ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ service. Excellent communication, highly available when needed, and effective at negotiating for more. Their expertise shines through, guiding you on something you may only do a handful of times across your career, whereas they probably do it a handful of times per month (or week!) For real you have nothing to lose working with for the salary negotiation product. Regarding the mock interview I'll say that it gave me a great deal more confidence and helped fight the imposter syndrome I was experiencing. I was shy to interview with one of the MAANGs (I'll not specify which), but after a couple mock interviews I knew that I, at the very least, wouldn't get rekt (like last time). Could they add more features? Probably... but then they'd be duplicating what others have done before (eg neetcode or leetcode). Overall very happy with the product as well.
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